Source code for easyadwords.adwords

from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

from io import BytesIO
import gzip
import unicodecsv as csv
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from contextlib import closing
from functools import wraps

from googleads import adwords
from googleads.errors import AdWordsReportError
from urllib2 import URLError

from easyadwords.utils import serialize_soap_resp

def retry(retries=3, delay=3, backoff=2):
    def deco_retry(f):
        def f_retry(*args, **kwargs):
            retry_num = 1
            last_error = None
            max_retries = getattr(args[0], '_max_retries', retries)

            while retry_num <= max_retries:
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                except AdWordsReportError as e:
                    if e.code >= 500:
                        sleep_time = delay * retry_num * backoff
                        print 'Error encountered retrieving report, sleeping for %ss. Attempt %d [%s]' % (
                        retry_num += 1
                        last_error = e
                        raise e
                except URLError as e:
                    sleep_time = delay * retry_num * backoff
                    print 'Error encountered retrieving report, sleeping for %ss. Attempt %d [%s]' % (
                    retry_num += 1
                    last_error = e
                raise last_error

        return f_retry  # true decorator
    return deco_retry

[docs]class AdwordsUtility: def __init__(self, credential_path, client_customer_id=None, service_version=None, max_retries=3): """ Initialize new utility object for interacting with Adwords. Configuration/authorization is determined from googleads.yaml (credential_path). :param credential_path: Path to googleads.yaml :param client_customer_id: Default customer_id, would override that stated in credential_path. :param service_version: If set, get specific version. Else, get the latest available version. **NOTE** Check change logs for APIs and googleads client before upgrading or switching report versions. """ self._client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage(credential_path) if service_version is None: self.service_version = sorted(adwords._SERVICE_MAP.keys())[-1] else: assert service_version in adwords._SERVICE_MAP.keys() self.service_version = service_version assert self._client.client_customer_id is not None or client_customer_id is not None if client_customer_id is not None: self._client.SetClientCustomerId(client_customer_id) self._PAGE_SIZE = 500 self._max_retries = max_retries @retry()
[docs] def change_client_customer_id(self, client_customer_id): """ Set new client_customer_id. """ self._client.SetClientCustomerId(client_customer_id)
def _iterate_pages(self, service, selector, serialize=True): offset = int(selector['paging']['startIndex']) return_list = [] more_pages = True while more_pages: page = service.get(selector) # Compile results if 'entries' in page: for entry in page['entries']: if serialize: entry = serialize_soap_resp(entry) return_list.append(entry) offset += self._PAGE_SIZE selector['paging']['startIndex'] = str(offset) more_pages = offset < int(page['totalNumEntries']) return return_list @retry()
[docs] def get_report_fields(self, report_type, serialize=True): """ Get details about report fields. :param report_type: Reference: :param serialize: Convert to dictionary. :return: list of dictionaries or SOAP responses depending on serialize option. """ report_definition_service = self._client.GetService('ReportDefinitionService', version=self.service_version) # Get report fields. fields = report_definition_service.getReportFields(report_type) if serialize: fields = map(serialize_soap_resp, fields) return fields
[docs] def get_service(self, service_name, selector, iterate_pages=True, serialize=True): """ General purpose function for getting any service listed here: :param service_name: Name of service :param selector: :param iterate_pages: :param serialize: :return: """ service = self._client.GetService(service_name, version=self.service_version) if iterate_pages: return self._iterate_pages(service, selector, serialize) else: results = service.get(selector) if serialize: if isinstance(results, list): return map(serialize_soap_resp, results) else: return serialize_soap_resp(results) else: return results
[docs] def list_account_labels(self): """ Convenience function for AccountLabelService with predefined options. :return: list of dictionaries """ selector = { 'fields': ['LabelName', 'LabelId'], 'paging': { 'startIndex': '0', 'numberResults': '1000' } } return self.get_service('AccountLabelService', selector, iterate_pages=False).get('labels', [])
[docs] def list_accounts(self, fields=None, predicates=None, include_hidden=False, include_mcc=False, serialize=True): """ Convenience function for ManagedCustomerService with predefined options. :param predicates: Predicate objects for filtering data. :type predicates: list of dictionaries representing Predicate objects :param include_hidden: Include hidden accounts in results. :param include_mcc: Include MCC in results. :param serialize: Convert to dictionary. :return: list of dictionaries or SOAP responses depending on serialize option. """ if predicates is not None: assert isinstance(predicates, list) assert all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in predicates) # Default values fields = ['Name', 'CustomerId'] if fields is None else fields predicates = [] if predicates is None else predicates if not include_hidden: predicates.append( { 'field': 'ExcludeHiddenAccounts', 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'values': 'TRUE' } ) if not include_mcc: predicates.append( { 'field': 'CanManageClients', 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'values': 'FALSE' } ) # Construct selector selector = { 'fields': fields, 'predicates': predicates, 'paging': { 'startIndex': '0', 'numberResults': str(self._PAGE_SIZE) } } return self.get_service('ManagedCustomerService', selector, serialize)
[docs] def get_report(self, start_date, end_date, report_type, fields, additional_fields=None, predicates=None, client_customer_id=None, include_zero_impressions=False): """ Downloads and cleans report. Field Examples: Renaming field: {'name': 'Ctr', 'alias': 'ctr'} Custom Cleaning: **NOTE** - simplest implementation would be using a lambda function as shown below. {'name': 'Ctr', 'alias': 'ctr', 'cleaning': lambda x: float(str(x).replace('%', '').strip())} Additional Field Examples: Prepending field "updated_at": {'name': 'updated_at', 'value':, 'prepend'=True} :param start_date: Reporting start date. :type start_date: datetime :param end_date: Reporting end date. :type end_date: datetime :param report_type: Reference: :param fields: Fields within report. :type fields: list of dictionaries :param additional_fields: New fields to add. **Only supports static values, not functions or references to other columns.** :type additional_fields: list of dictionaries :param predicates: Predicate objects for filtering data. :type predicates: list of dictionaries representing Predicate objects :param client_customer_id: Overwrite set client_customer_id when downloading report. :param include_zero_impressions: **Check compatibility with report type** :return: Generator object for cleaned report """ def _default_cleaner(field_value, field_type): field_value = field_value.strip() if field_value == '--': return None elif 'List' in field_type: if field_value is None or field_value == '': return None else: return ';'.join(literal_eval(field_value)) elif field_type == 'Money': # Money is returned as micro units # divide and round to 6 dp to avoid representation errors when dividing return round(float(re.sub(r'[^\d\-.]+', '', field_value)) / 1000000.0, 6) elif field_type == 'Date': return datetime.strptime(field_value, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif field_type == 'Double': return float(re.sub(r'[^\d\-.]+', '', field_value)) elif field_type in ('Long', 'Integer'): return int(float(re.sub(r'[^\d\-.]+', '', field_value))) else: return field_value assert isinstance(start_date, datetime) assert isinstance(end_date, datetime) if client_customer_id is None: client_customer_id = self._client.client_customer_id if predicates is not None: assert isinstance(predicates, list) assert all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in predicates) # checks additional fields if additional_fields is None: additional_fields = [] else: assert isinstance(additional_fields, list) assert all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in additional_fields) assert all('name' in x and 'value' in x for x in additional_fields) report_downloader = self._client.GetReportDownloader(version=self.service_version) report = { 'reportName': '%s %s-%s' % (report_type, start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')), 'dateRangeType': 'CUSTOM_DATE', 'reportType': report_type, 'downloadFormat': 'GZIPPED_CSV', 'selector': { 'fields': map(lambda x: x['name'], fields), 'dateRange': { 'min': start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'), 'max': end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') }, 'predicates': [] if predicates is None else predicates } } # stream compressed report to buffer, seek(0), decompress and load it into csv.reader report_data = BytesIO() with closing(report_downloader.DownloadReportAsStream( report, skip_column_header=True, skip_report_header=True, skip_report_summary=True, client_customer_id=client_customer_id, include_zero_impressions=include_zero_impressions )) as stream_data: while True: chunk = * 16) if not chunk: break report_data.write(chunk) csv_reader = csv.reader(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=report_data, mode='rb')) # clean data report_fields = self.get_report_fields(report_type) report_dtypes = {x['fieldName']: x['fieldType'] for x in report_fields} # ensure all fields are actually found in report assert all(x['name'] in report_dtypes.keys() for x in fields) # fill in adwords type if not explicitly stated for query_field in fields: if 'type' not in query_field: query_field['type'] = report_dtypes[query_field['name']] # yield header first. alias if exists, else name header = map(lambda x: x['alias'] if 'alias' in x else x['name'], fields) # add additional field headers for additional_field in additional_fields: if additional_field.get('prepend', None) is True: header.insert(0, additional_field['name']) else: header.append(additional_field['name']) yield header for row in csv_reader: cleaned_row = [] for index, field_config in enumerate(fields): if 'cleaning' in field_config: cleaned_value = field_config['cleaning'](row[index]) else: cleaned_value = _default_cleaner(row[index], field_config['type']) cleaned_row.append(cleaned_value) # add additional field values for additional_field in additional_fields: if additional_field.get('prepend', None) is True: cleaned_row.insert(0, additional_field['value']) else: cleaned_row.append(additional_field['value']) yield cleaned_row
[docs] def get_all_account_info(self, start_date, end_date): """ Convenience function wrapping ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT to get and parse accounts info. Can be used to subsequently filter out accounts without any activity for specific days. :param start_date: Start date :type start_date: datetime object :param end_date: End date :type start_date: datetime object :return: Dictionary structured by account id > date > metrics """ fields = [ { "name": "Date", "alias": "date" }, { "name": "ExternalCustomerId", "alias": "account_id" }, { "name": "Cost", "alias": "cost" }, { "name": "Impressions", "alias": "impressions" }, { "name": "Clicks", "alias": "clicks" }, { "name": "Conversions", "alias": "conversions" } ] account_lookup = {} account_list = self.list_accounts() for account in account_list: report = self.get_report( start_date, end_date, 'ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT', fields, client_customer_id=account['customerId'], include_zero_impressions=True ) header = next(report) for row in report: row_dict = dict(zip(header, row)) report_account_id = row_dict.pop('account_id') report_date = datetime.strptime(row_dict.pop('date'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') account_lookup.setdefault(report_account_id, {}) account_lookup[report_account_id][report_date] = row_dict return account_lookup